This 20th of April 2021, the Cooperative Development Authority formally turned over its leadership to the incoming CDA Chairperson, Joseph B. Encabo. In support of the new Chair, the United Cooperative Movement warmly congratulates and welcomes Usec. Encabo.
In these trying times, we are always reminded of the strict responsibilities that entail such positions of power. Nothing more could encapsulate this idea but Usec. Encabo’s own words:
“We are not in the business of self-interest; we are in a business of[sic] public service.”
Overcoming the hurdles of cooperativism, especially during this time of the pandemic, can only be done through strong partnership and collaboration amongst the cooperative sector and the relevant authorities. Borrowing again from Usec. Encabo’s words during his speech in his formal appointment as CDA chairperson, “Breaking Barriers” is the key to collaboration and unity.
Usec. Encabo graduated from Ateneo de Davao University with a degree in Sociology in 1997. Soon thereafter, he served in the city government of Davao for 2 years before working as a Senior Executive Assistant and Project Development Officer for the Philippine Sports Commission over a span of 10 years.
In 2013, Usec. Encabo served as Officer of the Mediation and Conciliation Committee of El Grande Multipurpose Cooperative, and on July 16, 2020, served as the Assistant Secretary of the Presidential Management Staff for Regional Concerns. He finished his Masters in Development Management and Governance at the University of Makati last 2019 and is currently finishing his Doctorate in Leadership Major in Public Management.
As he embarks on his new role in the CDA leadership and given his experience and credentials, the United Cooperative Movement of the Philippines (UCMP) joins Usec. Joseph B. Encabo in the journey to strengthen the partnership among the different institutions in the cooperative movement toward ensuring that the principles and values of cooperatives will continue to live on in every individual, and for every institution that we should be serving not for personal gain but the advancement of our nation.
In the same vein, the movement appreciates outgoing CDA Chairman Orlando Ravanera for his dedicated service in advancing the interest of the cooperative movement during his tenure.
Quezon City
April 21, 2021
Program Committee Members
Ms. Lucy Furo
National Cooperative Development Council
Edwin A. Bustillos
Philippine Cooperative Center
Carlitos Duenas
Coop-NATCCO Partylist
[i] The United Cooperative Movement of the Philippines was formed in 2020 as an alliance led by the Coop Natcco Party List, Philippine Cooperative Center, National Cooperative Development Council, League of the Cooperative Development Officers of the Philippines and major federations, unions, and primaries of the cooperative sector in advancing the interest and cooperative agenda in all levels of governance. The movement envisions the Philippine Cooperatives to be the model preferred by the people, and an acknowledged leader in sustainability and the fastest growing form of social enterprise. Its mission is to empower and uplift the lives of the cooperative members and their communities.