October 4, 2021
PRESS RELEASE: International Conference on Cooperative’s Future and Readiness
October 20, 2021



Revisiting our Roots for a Stronger Future

The strength and growth of a tree is not solely judged by the length of its branches. While unseen, it is in the roots where we can measure the tree’s integrity.

Expanding Role of the Cooperative Sector

The sector is long been guided by Cooperative Values and Principles – values and principles that help us remember and perform the cooperative identity. As an “autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically controlled enterprise”[1], cooperatives engages both the local and national community through stimulating the economy, delivering service to its members, and participating in nation building.

The contributions of cooperatives on the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic emphasizes the expanding role of cooperatives outside the economic sphere. More than businesses, cooperatives are social enterprises assisting in governance and serving as alternative conduits for change. Cooperatives have assisted the community through donating Personal Protective Equipment, disseminating information regarding Covid vaccination, the rehabilitation of communities ravaged by typhoons, and offering job and credit opportunities to people who lost theirs.

Cooperative participation is still increasing as there is need (1) for the usage of “the local supply chain alternatives, (2) to discover alternative ways of living and organising, (3) to build trust and raise awareness of social justice issues, (4) to ensure access to digital financial services and universal health coverage, and (5) to encourage the adoption of technology[2]

Amidst the ever increasing scope and responsibilities of cooperatives, International Cooperative Alliance Regional Director Balu Iyer mentioned problems and inconsistencies present within the sector:

“There is sometimes more competition among cooperatives rather than cooperation, and a lack       of meaningful participation among women and young people. And there can be an              over-              dependence on government, especially among smaller cooperatives.” (From How are cooperatives        in the Asia-Pacific region living their co-operative identity? By Mr. Balu Iyer)

Thus, according to Dir. Iyer, there is a need for cooperative identity revisitation.

Deepening the Cooperative Identity

As the sector expands its services and reach, the more that there is a need to step back and reflect on cooperative identity in all these engagements. Reflecting on the co-op identity guides the sector on their daily lives and decision making – allowing for the creation of effective plans, activities, and programs. It will also ensure that cooperatives are practicing one of the basic principles of cooperativism, which is Autonomy and Independence.

This is a step by step process: (1) there is a need to re-examine cooperative identity, (2) in order to strengthen the co-op identity, (3) allowing the re-commitment to the co-op identity, and (4) to effectively live out the cooperative identity[3].

In line with this, the United Cooperative Movement of the Philippines (UCMP), together with the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA), prepared an identity re-visitation and celebration webinar.  This is part of the multiple events prepared by UCMP for the National Cooperative Month.

The event will feature ICA President Ariel Guarco and Regional Director Balu Iyer  – both will share their views about Cooperative Identity and how using the current global crisis as a framework, will there be a deepening of the cooperative identity[4].

As we set our feet forward to a better normal, let the cooperative identity leave a mark in the economic, political and cultural spheres of our society; which is, that the Philippine Cooperative is the model preferred by the people, the acknowledged leader in sustainability and the fastest growing form of social enterprise with which we empower and uplift the lives of our members and the communities.



Contact Persons:

 Ms. Lucy Furo (NCDC)


Ms Celia Atienza (LCDOP)



Dr. Gary Leonardo (PCC)


Mr. Alex Raquepo (CNPL)

0919460 5322







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