PRESS RELEASE: International Conference on Cooperative’s Future and Readiness
October 20, 2021
PRESS RELEASE : PUP, ACO Inks Memorandum of Agreement
November 12, 2021


Co-op Voice, Co-op Vote


The election process is one of the pillars of a democratic society. Ideally, a democratic election should serve as the voice of the people. And while the electoral system of the country is far from perfect, it is a viable avenue for the cooperative voice.


Why do we need fellow Cooperators and Cooperative Allies in the Legislative?


A cooperative enterprise focuses not only on business and enterprise building. By the very nature of our being cooperative enterprises, we are also partners in community and nation building.

The cooperative sector is by no means a minority. We are however, not yet fully engaged in electoral politics. There is still a need for us in the cooperative sector to unify our voices and actions for the empowerment and upliftment of our members and their communities. Only with a unified voice will the sector be recognized as integral partners of the government in nation-building and active players in crafting policies and laws beneficial for the sector.

The Philippine Cooperative Center, together with Coop NATCCO Partylist, AGAP Partylist, and Koop KAMPI Partylist, had been conducting voters’ education seminars for the upcoming 2022 national elections. The seminars’ intent is to serve as an avenue  for developing a voice – both in terms of numbers and agenda. Here we hoped that we cooperators will get more involved on the issues of (1) structural changes in the country, (2) the need for electoral participation, (3) history of electoral engagement of cooperatives, (4) cooperative unity – cooperative legislative agenda, (5) cooperatives as instruments of change, and (6) allied commitment to the advancement of cooperatives.


Unified Voice and Accountability


More than pushing for electoral participation, PCC and its allies are advocating for more specific and workable legislative agenda – including among others amendments to the public utility vehicle modernization program, retention of tax exemptions for cooperatives, Cooperative Development Insurance System, Stabilization Fund, cooperative representation, and many more.

Thus, the cooperative voice is not just a consolidation of preferred parties or individuals, but is an aggregate of preferred policy agendas beneficial to the sector. The cooperative voice does not end in winning elections alone. It is also an avenue where we can hold our elected leaders accountable for the success of these agendas and their promises – or lack thereof.

Co-op Voice, Co-op Vote

Here we are, in the crux of history. With cooperatives being able to address pressing societal ills, there is a need for the sector to participate in the upcoming elections. Let us unite, let us vote.

Join us in our Solidarity Covenant Signing event titled – Cooperative Unity through Co-op Vote – this October 27, 2021 at 9AM through Zoom. (Meeting ID: 881 4421 4080 Passcode: COOPUnite)


Contact Persons:


Ms. Lucy Furo (NCDC)


Ms Celia Atienza (LCDOP)



Dr. Gary Leonardo (PCC)




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