Marrying theory, principles, and real-life experiences – Deepening the Cooperative Identity contains 24 evidence-based case studies narrating the successful enterprises of 12 of the most respected and established cooperatives and cooperative movement leaders in the country. The collection shows how cooperative ideologies, values, and principles can – and should – serve as a guideline for a successful cooperative enterprise.
More than success stories, the case studies and stories in the collection are intended to be used as learning materials to spread cooperative values and principles, as adopted by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) from the revised Statement on the Cooperative Identity.
Through this publication, we hope to inspire the readers to go back to the core of cooperative ideological framework. Deepening the Cooperative Identity challenges its readers to deliver and share the cooperative paradigm to their communities.
More daringly, Deepening the Cooperative Identity questions the business or enterprise style prevalent in our society. Maybe, just maybe, the cooperative paradigm is what our country needs: a major tool for poverty reduction through the collective empowerment and cooperation of its members.
Welcoming us in the event is Rev. Father Anton CT Pascual, chairperson of Union of Metro Manila Cooperatives. Mr. Anthony Taberna will serve as the event’s host. Mr. Garibaldi Leonardo, chairperson of the Philippine Cooperative Center and Mr. Carlo S. Sagun, Program Director in Bayan Academy, will lead the formal launching and release of the book. Lead cooperative movement leaders around the world will serve as the event’s panelist.
The book launching event will be held on December 16, 2021[1], 9:00 am ; Participants can also join through Zoom :
Meeting ID: 865 2512 2499
[1] Initially set last November 30, 2021 – UMMC, PCC, and Bayan Academy planning team moved the launch to accommodate the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) of the book.